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Are you one of the millions of people addicted to nicotine? Are you looking for a way to get rid of cigarette dependency in your life? If so, this article has many suggestions to help you on your way.

You do not have to stay addicted to cigarettes, the choice is yours.

If you have decided to stop smoking, mentally prepare yourself for what's ahead. Try to focus on the fact that you can stop, and that this is not an impossible dream. Set an official "quit date" and even consider adding it to your calendar. By taking such a positive approach, your chances of quitting will increase.

When you decide to quit smoking, make sure to add plenty of fresh fruit to your diet. Your body will likely undergo some chemical changes when you stop smoking, often including a lowered blood glucose level. Healthy fruits can help to raise your blood glucose level to normal levels, keeping you healthy while you're working toward quitting.

Stop smoking once and for all by replacing those moments that you enjoy a cigarette with physical exercise. Not only will it be a distraction to you, but you will also benefit in a huge way by developing a healthier and more attractive body. It may be hard at first due to the effects of nicotine in your system, but start small, with a walk around the block.

Starting an exercise regimen is a great way to support yourself when you're trying to quit smoking. Under the advice of a doctor, ease yourself into the regimen, especially if you've been a heavy smoking for many years. The exercise will help you not only repair some of the damage smoking has done to your body, but is also a great stress reliever as well.

As soon as you decide to quit smoking, tell all of your family and friends. Not only will this help you to build a good support group, but it will also encourage you to stick to your goal. You might even inspire one of your loved ones to quit with you.

Have a friend or family member quit who smokes quit at the same time as you. Just like other things in life, such as losing weight, quitting is easier when someone else knows where you are coming from. pot delivery of you can share tips or just vent to each other.

Switching the band of cigarette you smoke can help lead you to quitting. Consider smoking a brand you don't like. Do not smoke a greater number of them than usual or modify the way in which you inhale them. This is a great tool to begin your journey of quitting.

Commit to quitting. Individuals who are able to successfully quit smoking commit themselves fully. They don't have a back up plan, they don't keep quitting a secret, and they don't tell themselves that they will fail. If you make this type of commitment you will significantly increase your chances of successfully meeting your goal.

Join a support group to help you in your quest to quit smoking. A support group can commiserate with you about the difficulties that quitting smoking entails, and share their coping mechanisms. The leader of the group may also be able to teach you behavior modification techniques, or other strategies that can prove helpful.

To stay true to your plan to quit smoking, make up motivational note cards to read whenever you get a craving. Keep these cards on your fridge, in your car, in your purse or wallet and even in a drawer at work. Any time a craving strikes, read and repeat the message on the card like a mantra to refocus your efforts.

If you've quit before, don't assume that whatever you tried didn't work. If using the patch let you go three weeks without smoking, think instead about what caused you to light up again in week four. Plan your next attempt with the knowledge and optimism that the patch can get you through three weeks, and then have a secondary plan to get through the fourth week.

Nobody said that giving up cigarettes would be easy, but it is possible if you really want to.

Use the tips you have read to help you get started in your own personal plan. Today can be the day that you quit smoking and begin living without this painful addiction.

Quit Smoking Now With These Effective Tips

Quitting smoking brings a myriad of benefits financially, physically and emotionally. Keep those benefits in mind, and use information like what is contained in the following article to help you through the tough spots. Remember these tips, and utilize them when you need to in order to provide you some extra assistance toward becoming a non-smoker.

If you wish to quit smoking cold turkey, get rid of all of the things in your house that remind you of smoking. foggy daze , no more ash trays or cigarette lighters. If you hold onto this stuff, you'll only be reminded of smoking and it might make you want to have a cigarette.

A support group can help you follow up on your decision to stop smoking. It's helpful to meet other ex-smokers because they understand what you're experiencing and can help you through your struggles. You'll find not only support, but advice and guidance which will lead you to great success. Support groups can be found in many places, such as your church, rec center or college, ask around.

If you're trying to quit smoking, try quitting cold turkey. This method is the easiest in the long run. While this may seem a lot more difficult when you are starting out, it is much easier than stringing your self along. Be honest with your self and commit to the quit and you will be off cigarettes fairly easily.

If you are trying to quit smoking all together then you need to commit and stop carrying your cigarettes around with you. If you do not have cigarettes with you then you make it less convenient to smoke. This will make it easier for you to quit in the long run.

Remember that your attitude is everything. When you are beginning to feel down, you need to try to make yourself proud that you are quitting. Smoking is bad for you and each time you conquer the urge to smoke, you should feel proud as you are taking vital steps toward a healthier you.

Be cognizant of routine activities that trigger the desire to have a smoke. For some, it is the first cup of coffee in the morning. For others it may be the end of a meal, or socializing with smoking friends. Whatever your trigger may be, this is the time you must remind yourself that you are quitting because you care enough about yourself that you want to.

When you are trying to quit smoking, be sure that you are drinking plenty of water. Not only is water good for you, but it also fulfills the need to have something in your mouth. Also, large amounts of water help to clear out nicotine and other chemicals in your body caused by cigarettes.

Reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke a little each day. If you want to quit smoking completely, this can get you pointed in the right direction. When you first wake up each morning, try to be up for at least one hour before you light up the first cigarette of the day. You can also smoke only half of your cigarette each time you go for a smoke to help you cut back.

Thinking of all the benefits you will receive when you quit smoking may give you the motivation you need. You will be able to save money, you will feel healthier, you won't smell like cigarettes, and you will live a longer life. If you have children, think of how much they need you.

When you're ready to quit smoking, and have a plan in place to do so, set a firm date after which you won't smoke anymore. Prepare for the date, and make a big deal out of it. Think of it as the day when you regain control of your life, and make it a joyous occasion.

You are probably aware of the many ways that stopping smoking can be of great benefit to you. While knowing why you want to quit is a great start, knowing how is far more important, so remember the tips you've read here to help you succeed. Remember these guidelines to stay on track and remain motivated throughout the entire process. In no time at all you can be happily announcing yourself as a non-smoker.